Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Laws For How Women And Men Should Act Essay - 1681 Words

Rules to Hide From The laws for how women and men should act in regards to each other and towards the other sex in their community are, in many cultures, clearly defined. From the earliest recorded laws, historians can see that societies had separate roles for men and women. Nina McConigley, author of Cowboys and East Indians, explores the role of gender throughout her short stories. Often allowing clear boundaries to be crossed, and doing this in a way that the reader understands that cultural rules are being violated. One of her most extreme examples of cultural expectation and deviation in this book is in the short story â€Å"Pomp and Circumstances.† As early as the first known written laws women are differentiated from men. Hammurabi’s Code stipulates that women are to be protected from unfair practices, but also places the man as the head of the household. Augustus Caesar, in his attempt to return Rome to the virtuous society he believed it once was, and to influence population incr ease encouraged â€Å"the firm control of husbands over wives†, according to Mark Kishlansky, Patrick Geary, and Patricia O’Brien, authors of Civilization in the West (14 and 118). These laws have been carried down through the centuries and define, in many cultures, how men and women are to act. The East Indian American culture of which McConigley writes ascribes to its own set of rules pertaining to gender. â€Å"Pomp and Circumstances† both surprises and eludes its readers regarding gender. The surpriseShow MoreRelatedGender Issues in the Workplace1537 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Gender Issues in the Workplace Introduction Believe it or not women have had rights in the work force for over two hundred years. Women should be treated as equals with men in the work place, but that is not always the case. 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