Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Heart Disease The Highest Leading Cause Death For Men...

The highest leading cause of death for men and women within the United States is heart disease. The number of deaths for heart disease is 611,105; this is more than half of a million lives being claimed by heart disease. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Leading Causes of Death). This disease tends to be preventable, even though it’s the highest cause of death. In order to prevent one self from having a heart disease, individuals should take the right precautions throughout their everyday lives to reduce the risk of contracting different types of heart diseases; one of the best ways to prevent heart diseases is to engage in exercise. Heart disease involves the blood vessels becoming narrow in the body, which causes restriction†¦show more content†¦Cigarette and tobacco smoking helps to increase ones blood pressure, it decreases ones tolerance to exercise and increase the chances of having a blood clot. Smoking also increases ones chances of having a coronar y heart disease again after bypass surgery. (American Heart Association). Having too much cholesterol in the blood causes high cholesterol, also called hypercholesterolemia. When people eat too much food with high saturated fats, the blood isn’t able to carry it through the arteries. The fat then starts to buildup in the arteries, which causes a decrease in oxygen flowing to the heart this increase ones risk of having a heart attack. (Mayo Clinic Staff). High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the amount of force is pushed against the artery walls as blood flows through them. (Medical News Today). If ones blood pressure remains high, this can damage the arteries, which leads to coronary heart disease. In order for one to live a healthy life, they must exercise; this helps strengthening the hearts muscles. Lacking exercise leads to individuals becoming obese. Being obese damages the arteries and weakens the heart. All of these risk factors are what causes individua ls to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD). The image below gives a more vivid understanding of fatty deposits piling up against the artery walls. (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). Studies

Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on Collective Work Free Essays

From the literature review, discussions and responses, several conclusions can be reached at. To begin, the industry incorporates the employees in the development plans which are very instrumental in achieving the goals. Success is realized because of the team work and collaboration made together. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Collective Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now Collective work makes the employees to be encouraged and feel part of the company. They work in solidarity and one is cared for in every realm. Everyone feel motivated and working to achiever the set objectives are met within the stipulated time. The motivation of workers is very pivotal in the industry because it enables the team to be in solidarity thus making them realize their goals. Service delivery is also an important factor that the industry should look into. Ensuring that the clients get the best services make them feel encouraged and yearn to be served continuously. Morriot hotel is rated among the best in the United Kingdom and the services provided are of high standards. The employees are also motivated in the sense that they feel appreciated when they offer effective service to their clients. On the other hand, the industry gets good reputation by offering the best they can hence making them to retain their clients. Gender sharing of employees at Marriot hotels in the UK is realized that the females are higher than males. The females are approximately at fifty two percent while the rest of the percentage is for feminine. By age, the employees are generally young age wise because nearly eighty four percent are of forty eight years and below. In this plinth, it means that the workers have a lot of energy to provide quality services to the industry. Also, most of the employees can engage most of their times in ensuring that the output is of high quality. The only challenge herein is that the young workers do not feel the importance of consulting old men. They feel to be all round in anything they do, hence resulting to some hitches during times of work. Another important factor to note here is that close to sixty five of the employees have levels of education higher than the college level. High level of education is very important in any working set up. Morrion hotel receives clients from every part of the globe and having workers who are not vast linguistically can easily lead to its mess. Therefore, employing workers who are qualified help the managers in many areas. The staff can easily converse in a friendly way with foreigners without any difficulty. On the other hand, it enables easy flow of work in the industry because one easily understands his or her role as a professional as opposed to a situation where high population of the staff members is not learned. Employees’ job retention has also been realized to be an important factor since it helps in improving the output of the company. Paying good wages to the employees, providing job security and allowing them to advance enable the workers to acquire more skills that give quality output in return. By allowing them to advance in their areas of specialization, they get additional experiences that enable them to work proficiently, hence providing the services which are liked by the clients. At Marrion hotel, the workers are given an offer to pursue higher learning in their areas of specialization. This gives them an additional experience in their line of duties and as well as increasing their salary scale. After education, they can still be absorbed back to be part of the staff. When the employees are motivated through these, they work extra hard to realize the set goals and objectives. Competency based pay help in promoting the needs of the employees` experience and this encourages their career development due to their conclusion of their education. It also enables them to take high ranks in accomplishing their responsibilities. Another positive aspect realized is on empowerment. Because of the good channel of communication in the industry, the employees are taken care of in every circumstance. The problems that they raise are taken with a lot of seriousness and eventually acted upon. Also, they are free to share with the stake holders on their areas of difficulties and improvement done where necessary. They share with the administration their views that can help improve the performance of the company and because of the togetherness that they have, the company is free to make the adjustment brings success to the both of them. In light of this, the industry act on some of the suggestion that is put forward by employees because they plan a very pivotal role in the success of the company. Morriot hotel attract so many investors. The five other hotels created in the recent past have made more economical advancement in the area. In this plinth, a lot of clients come all over the state and even outside to enjoy the services. The tourist sector have greatly benefited from the industry since their clients are well taken care of. A lot of job opportunities have been created and a lot of young people are able to work and support them economically. It has reduced the time of idleness and laxity among young people too. However, the rate at which foreign investors have ventured into the industry is wanting. The foreigners have invested much in the area that the locals. In this case, the locals find it difficult in getting job opportunities. Foreigners have a lot of skills that generate a lot input in the hotels that makes them perform well in terms of service delivery. In as much as foreigners would be providing quality services, it would be prudent for the government and the industry sector to control the number of foreign employees so that the local citizens can get employed. The rate at which foreign employees are paid is also higher as opposed to local workers. The management should regulate the payment rate so that both of them benefit from the work they do. Recommendations While carrying out the research, it is eminent that the questionnaires were written in English. In as much as there were translators who could decode them to the local languages, it would be prudent if they are also availed in the local languages so that those who are not well versed with English also answer the questions with ease. Filling in questionnaires require confidentiality, some people may not feel comfortable answering the forms under the guidance of other people, and they may end up giving wrong results. On the same note, the industry should be at a position of convincing all everyone they come across to fill the questionnaires so that a substantial feedback is obtained. The analysis made put it clear that females are of high population than men at Morrion hotel. This implies that their services are well accepted by the clients than that of men. Women are quicker in preparation of food as well addressing the clients. They use friendly languages that make the clients come again and again. In motivational factors, they are motivated the same way. The same way men are appreciated is the same way; the females are also taken care of. However, the motivation policy states that he who works hard should be appreciated more as opposed to one who does less. In this dictum, it would be wise if the industry looks into this so that the hard work done by women are appreciated well. The government and the industry should also control the number of foreign employees. The fact that they deliver quality services may have a negative impact to job opportunities to the locals. When a lot of job opportunities are spread to the foreigners, the locals do get opportunities to work in their own nation. Because of this, they end up into malpractices that ruin their lives eventually. Also, there should equivalency in the distribution of jobs. Marrion hotels have high of their population at college level and above. There are some workers who might be having the experience and because they have not attained the colleges and universities, it becomes very difficult to them to be absorbed in the hotels. For this case therefore, the industry resort to the foreigners. It would be very vital if such cases are considered so that such potential are absorbed among the staff and through interaction by other members, they advance and become more proficient. In adherence to the above recommendation and other input addressed, Morrion hotel will be rated the best in the United Kingdom. With the world statistical analysis, it is among the best serving hotels. Many would like to be associated with the hotels. The geographical location of the area is also suitable and can be easily accessed by many. Tourists come all over the world to visit the area. In this regard, the adjustments should make on the areas that might be resulting to loopholes. In case the corrections can be made, Marrion hotels will be one of the best in the United Kingdom and the world at large. Lastly, the government should cheap in to help the industry in providing resources so as to make the hotel more attractive because it earns a lot of revenue to the UK government. How to cite Essay on Collective Work, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Angels in America Essay Sample free essay sample

Rabbi Chemelwitz says in his eulogium ( Millennium ) that the â€Å"Great Voyages† of the past no longer be. Does the drama bear out the truth of his belief or non? If non. what are the new great ocean trips? Tony Kushner’s drama. Angels In America. explores the tests of the journey of human life through the development of his characters throughout the drama. When Rabbi Chemelwitz says â€Å"Great Voyages is this universe do non any more exist. † ( Millennium 16 ) he speaks merely the partial truth. It is true that none of the characters at the funeral can do the same sort of trip Sarah Ironson made. the pilgrims journey from her place to a foreign land across the Atlantic. However. the ocean trip to America Sarah took and the assorted struggles the characters face have many analogues. Alternatively of the physical tests of Sarah’s great ocean trip. they are faced with every bit as hard emotional jobs that cause them to do certain picks in the great ocean trip of their lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Angels in America Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Every character faces some psychological journey throughout the drama that takes them to new topographic points emotionally. physically. and spiritually. The best illustration of all three of these journeys is Prior’s development through the drama. Prior’s great ocean trip is the most obvious and widely explained of any of the characters in the drama. We first run into Prior at what he knows is a turning point in his life: relation Louis he has AIDS. He says â€Å"K. S. babe. Lesion figure one. † ( 27 ) stating Louis he is traveling to decease. This is clearly an vastly hard determination or Prior because he so goes on to state how afraid he is that Louis will go forth him. This is the first existent measure in Prior’s â€Å"great ocean trip. † Everything else that happens to Prior is a consequence of this one act. The most immediate and drastic alteration brought approximately by this determination is that Louis confirms Prior’s frights and leaves him. After Louis leaves. Prior is thrown into a deep province of depression. His emotional battle at this point is a perfect analogue for the initial adversities suffered by immigrants instantly after they leave place. In both instances. their lives are drastically changed by some determination which leads to some signifier of adversity. For the immigrant. it is the physical adversity of seting to life at sea and the emotional adversity of losing their place. For Prior. it is the physical adversity of his ain organic structure bewraying him due to his AIDS and the emotional daze of necessitating to populate without holding Louis as a portion of his life. The point where we genuinely see Prior’s ocean trip is in Perestroika when he climbs the ladder to heaven. The ocean trip to heaven and endorse is Prior’s physical great ocean trip in the drama. Everything else has lead up to this apogee of his journey. Anterior: But still. Still. Bless me anyhow. I want more life. I can’t assist myself. I do. I’ve lived through such awful times. and there are people who live through much worse. but†¦You see them populating anyhow. When they’re more spirit than organic structure. more sores than tegument. when they’re burned and in torment. when flies lay eggs in the corners of the eyes f their kids. they live. ( Perestroika 267 ) When Prior says this. it shows that even though he recognizes that his life is atrocious. and life in general can be atrocious. he wants to travel on life. While it may look contradictory. it ends up working out for him in the terminal when he and Louis make up in the epilogue. or concluding chapter of Prior’s great ocean trip. Prior manages to change by reversal all of the bad about him. except for the AIDS. and even that he is able to crush with his want for more life. Harper’s great ocean trip is besides another ocean trip in which the character taking it changes wholly. She starts the drama as a hopeless drug addled homemaker. unable to even truly take attention of herself. This is shown in her debut to the drama. She is portrayed as a semi-mad adult female who talks to her hallucinations more than existent people. Harper even realizes this is incorrect when she says â€Å"Weird material happens†¦ like you. for case. † ( Millennium 23 ) She realizes something is clearly incorrect yet does nil about it. As the drama progresses though. she additions more assurance in herself and finally confronts Joe about his homosexualism. She comes out and straight asks him. â€Å"Are you a gay? † ( 43 ) after her hallucination with Prior. This is a immense measure for her because she has ever had her intuitions about Joe but has neer confronted him about it before. Now nevertheless. she begins to alter. She additions assurance and wind s up go forthing Joe. It is at this point when she takes a journey with Mr. Lies to seek to acquire off from her life in New York. Unfortunately. the hallucinations are merely a impermanent distraction as first. Joe finds his manner into them and 2nd. she finally comes back to her senses and is arrested for firing a tree in Central Park. Finally. at the terminal of her great ocean trip. she additions adequate assurance and confidence to do a physical ocean trip all the manner out to San Francisco. A 3rd character who goes on a great ocean trip through the drama is Louis. He originally starts out unable to cover with the world of Prior holding AIDS so he leaves him. However. although he left Prior. he feels genuinely guilty and atrocious about it so tries to cover it up. He foremost tries to bury it by non concentrating on it. This is shown by his full address at Belize. He doesn’t truly desire to speak about political relations and racism in America. it is his manner of get bying with the soul-eating guilt that is killing him. He subsequently tries to bury it through sex. â€Å"Keep traveling. Infect me. I don’t attention. I don’t attention. † ( 63 ) He says this to a random alien bespeaking that he feels so guilty. he would instead catch AIDS and decease than unrecorded with his guilt. He doesn’t stop after this though. He says â€Å"I have to happen a manner to salvage myself. † ( 85 ) indicating that although Prior is the 1 with AIDS. he is still merely disquieted about himself. Finally. he continues his downward spiral with Joe. He says â€Å"Let’s halt speaking. Or if you have to speak. talk dirty. † This show that he is truly non worried in the slightest about Prior at this point and is still merely disquieted about himself. Finally though. he start to lose Prior. shown when he tells Joe â€Å"I just†¦ demand to see him once more. † He has the realisation that he has greatly wronged Prior and goes back to seek and do damagess. However. Anterior refuses to take him back and although they are no longer lovers. he and Prior are at least back to friends in the epilogue. Louis’ great ocean trip is an emotional roller coaster in which he finally does the right thing and makes up with Prior. All of these characters go through great ocean trips over the class of the drama. They change emotionally. physically and psychologically due to them. While Rabbi Chemelwitz may hold been technically right when he said they could non travel on a great ocean trip because they are already in America. he is talking the actual truth. However. the drama does non genuinely bear this out as every character undergoes some cardinal alteration after traveling through what can merely be described as a great ocean trip.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

World War II

Summary of the articles Article 1: Heinrich Himmler Speech to the SS This article is a speech presentation by Heinrich Himmler, an army leader and a commander of the Schetzstaffel also known as the â€Å"SS† group of Nazi Germany. This particular speech was a motivational talk made to the members of the group to empower them for future preparations concerning their activities towards the implementation of what they called the â€Å"final solution of the Jewish question† (Reilly 943).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on World War II specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main theme of the entire speech made by SS in which we shall be analyzing in this section of the paper is about this group’s mission and strategies towards the implementation of orders handed to them by their chief commander, Hitler which expressly required the total destruction of the Jewish community living in the country. Accordi ng to this speech it is clear that the SS unit were unanimous in their agreement of killing all Jewish as it states that â€Å"the Jewish people are going to be annihilated† (Reilly 944). In a nutshell the main idea that this speech intended to communicate is that extermination of the entire Jewish people should be hastily undertaken and concluded through means which the speech details and describes as historical and necessary if the SS group is to achieve its mark of â€Å"integrity† and bring grandeur to them (Reilly 945). In order to maintain their integrity, the SS group demands that orders must be strictly followed after they have been approved by the commander and in particular addresses the issue of Jewish wealth that they intend to confiscate and acquire in the process of persecuting the Jews. In this speech the SS commander categorically warns of the consequences of soldiers hoarding wealth confiscated from the Jew by stating the punishment that will be meted out in what would appear to be orders the orders given by Hitler. As a matter of fact, the commander is very specific on this issue as he states in the speech â€Å"whoever takes so much as a mark of it for himself is a dead man† (Reilly 945). In the same speech the commander finishes by justifying the reasons of wanting to have all the Jews annihilated by stating that it is not so much for their wealth but for the fact that the Jews at one time also wanted to have them exterminated.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is in this regard that we encounter one of the major classic propaganda that Hitler had architecture during this period in order to whip Germans towards hating Jews and therefore supporting his devilish campaign. In fact during this speech the commander states that accomplishment of this task is a mark of love â€Å"towards our people† which is one of the pri ncipal duties and responsibilities they can ever achieve and a present to themselves, their relatives, and to their country (Reilly 946). This is not only propaganda but a clear indication of strategies used by Hitler to brainwash the masses as well by thinking that extermination of Jews is their patriotic duty that will enrich them. Article 2: Steiner, Franà §ois Jean. Treblinka This article describes in detail and depicts the process that was put in place by Hitler implemented by the SS group in the extermination of the Jews, Romans and prisoners. The author describes a series of events which are followed during the killing process in a camp known as Treblinka in Poland; the activities of this particular camp are under the supervision of the commandant Kurt Franz who has been nick-named Lalka (Reilly 956). First the process starts with people being deported from different places and ferried by trains to this camp of death which Lalka himself has cleverly designed in order to dupe those arriving into thinking that it was an ordinary train station instead of what you will call a human slaughter house and thereby achieve what he describes as â€Å"restore a minimum hope† (Reilly 956). This article gives a detailed account of the actual process that was used in this camp when exterminating people; first, men and women are instructed to enter what was described in the camp as the â€Å"production line† (Reilly 957). The men and women are then separated and they go through each stage one at a time while they get offloaded of their personal belongings and even their clothes. In the fourth and fifth stage for instance there is a sign that requires the people to leave their â€Å"trousers and in the fifth his shirt and underwear† (Reilly 957).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on World War II specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More All the processes are meant to reduce the burden of the personal belongings before they can be brutally murdered in cold blood. The process leading to death as described appears to have been planned in detail with utilization of great â€Å"innovations† by commander Lalka, where they are literally hacked off just before they become aware that they are about to die (Reilly 957). After they die they are disposed in another place where the oncoming people would not be able to see them before they too get to face the same fate. Reading this article I felt a surge of emotions, rage, sadness, pity, fear and disbelief all at once since this article gives a depiction of the actual events that took place during that time. This was cold blood murder with so much inhumanity even worse than how animals are killed in a slaughter; in fact at some point the victims appears to have already known that death was imminent as captured in this statement by one of the women just before she was killed â€Å"a young lady admitted in small brave voice t hat she was little afraid and wished it were all over† (Reilly, 957). Comparison of the two documents It is clear that both articles have a common theme of extermination of the Jews; the first article details the background events orchestrated by Hitler to jumpstart this process while the second article describes the actual events of the holocaust itself. In both articles also, we see how propaganda is used for the purpose of killing the Jews since in both cases lies are used to achieve the intended goals. The articles are also similar in that they describe a common event of destruction of the Jewish community by the Nazi that was taking place in Germany. Finally, in both articles we can also see that the two commanders Heinrich Himmler and Kurt Franz diligently discharge their responsibilities as instructed by Hitler. Thus, they are acting as representatives of the Hitler administration with a single mandate to destroy the Jewish race. Contrast between the documents There is a difference between the two articles in the way they focus on the events that took place in Germany at the time. In the first article, â€Å"speech to SS† the focus is on brainwashing the soldiers and advancing Hitler’s propaganda of hate against the Jews while the second article focus is on the actual events of the holocaust that took place.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As such the second article describes the killing process of the victims, how they are deported and actually killed. Another difference is that the first article is entirely focused on Jews alone while the second one describes a range of other communities that were being targeted by Hitler during this time for annihilation such as Romans and prisoners in addition to Jews. Finally, the first article is a speech directed towards the SS soldiers meant to motivate them and brainwash them while the second article is a general discussion of the annihilation events that were taking place at the time. Conclusion The two documents describe a common event of persecuting Jews in Germany during the reign of Hitler. Based on the historical accounts of these two articles one is able to gain a better insight into the activities that were taking place in Germany, the central players in those activities and the real planners behind such actions who are Hitler and his commanders. It is evidently clear that human rights abuses and great loss of life took place and this is certainly the only recorded holocaust that has ever taken place in the world history where it is estimated 6 million Jews perished. Works Cited Reilly, Kevin. â€Å"Worlds of History, Volume Two: Since 1400: A Comparative Reader.† New York. Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2010. Print. This essay on World War II was written and submitted by user Leonel Daniels to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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